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This is a seven point scale from 1 to 7 to rate your innate degree of talkativeness. This is your ongoing tendency to talk, given the opportunity to talk. Do not include the amount of talking required of you at work. 

  • quiet untalkative person

  • averagely talkative person

  • extremely talkative person


Where do you fall on this rating scale of innate talkativeness?

  • If you have a mucosal disorder, most likely you are a 6 or a 7.

  • Do not confuse being a 6 or a 7 with anything bad. This is a wonderful personality. You may typically find yourself the life of the party; the social engine.

  • 6’s and 7’s make wonderful actors and singers since your personality is one that will engage the audience.

  • However, being a 6 or 7 is a vocally expensive personality.


AZ Delta, Dienst NKO
Dr. L. Delsupehe
Dr. M. Rathé

Campus Rumbeke
Deltalaan 1
8800 Roeselare

Campus Torhout

Sint-Rembertlaan 21
8820 Torhout

Consultatie-uren Campus Rumbeke


08u30 - 10u 

13u15 - 18u 


8u15 - 11u30

Campus Torhout
13u15 - 18u


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