Lieve Delsupehe, Ear-Nose-Throat (ENT) doctor at the AZ Delta hospital in Roeselare, followed her education at the KUL and UZ Leuven where she graduated as a ENT specialist in 1994. She then did a fellowship at the University of Chicago and was trained by Prof.Dr.R.W.Bastian at the Loyola University Chicago. Bob Bastian is an absolute world authority who passed on his passion for voice, both speaking voice and professional singing voice.
After her fellowship, she stayed at UZ Leuven as a phoniatrics consultant for 10 years. She followed various advanced training in voice pathology and surgery.
In her spare time she took singing lessons with soprano Hilde Coppé and obtained a diploma flute. In addition to her passion for music and voice, she is an enthusiastic photographer. Currently she is conducting "de stemkliniek" at AZ Delta in Roeselare.

Maaike Rathé currently works as an ENT doctor at AZ Delta at the hospitals in Rumbeke and Torhout. In 2019 she graduated as a master in specialist medicine with specialization in otorhinolaryngology and obtained the title of ENT specialist doctor.
In 2018 she passed the European Board Examination in ORL in London and Vienna, which made her ‘Fellow of the European Board in Otorhinoloaryngoly, Head & Neck Surgery’.
After graduating she did a contemplary 12-month fellowship in paediatric ENT specialized in paediatric airway and head & neck surgery at one England’s busiest children’s hospitals, the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital.
She spent another 4 months in 2020 at Radboudumc in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, for a fellowship in phoniatric and head & neck surgery.

Jessie Everaert obtained her master's degree in logopedic and audiological sciences at Ghent University in 2016. During her studies Jessie studied voice and voice problems. In her final year she did an internship at, among others, the voice clinic of Ghent University Hospital and at The Voice Center in Philadelphia. In 2018 she completed a postgraduate course in Voice.
Jessie has been working in "de Stemkliniek" AZ Delta since 2020. She also works in a group practice. She dedicates her spare time to dancing and singing.

Justien Vannieuwenhuyse graduated in 2015 as a bachelor in logopedic and audiological sciences at the Arteveldehogeschool in Ghent. After her internship at AZ Delta campus Rembert Torhout she started working there. In 2019, she completed a postgraduate course in voice.
In her free time, Justien likes to play music. She studied music theory, general music culture and trumpet at the Stedelijk Academie voor Podiumkunsten Adriaan Willaert, and has played in the youth ensemble Ferventis.