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If you would like to know what it is like in the voice clinic, please watch this video.



When you arrive at the hospital, you have to register yourself at the reception. Afterwards you will be referred to the Ear-Nose-Throat department where you have to register again at the general desk of the service. At this moment the secretary indicates in the doctor's diary that you are present.


! You must sign in twice


After the consultation​


After the consultation you report back to the secretariat the service. Here the necessary appointments and / or research are booked for you. You get all appointments with place and time on paper.

What to bring to your consultation?

  • identity card

  • if you already have a history with regard to your current complaint, your full ENT file and photos / scans made regarding your voice problem. This way we can limit the request for new exams

  • special insurance, confidential or work incapacity documents

How to prepare your consultation?

1. Please complete this form and bring it to your consultation. That way we will be able to help you more quickly.


2. Do you have any problems with your voice?

If yes, are you here on a consultation for the first time? 

In that case, please complete this questionnaire


If yes, do you come for a control visit? 

In that case, please complete this questionnaire for your consultation. 


If yes, do you come for a control post surgery? 

In that case, please complete this questionnaire for your post surgery consultation. 



3. Do you have problems with coughing? 

In that case, please complete this questionnaire before your consultation. 


4. Do you have problems with burping? 

Are you here on a consultation for the first time? 

In that case, please complete this questionnaire. 


If so, do you come for a control visit? 

In that case, please complete this questionnaire for your consultation. 




AZ Delta, Dienst NKO
Dr. L. Delsupehe
Dr. M. Rathé

Campus Rumbeke
Deltalaan 1
8800 Roeselare

Campus Torhout

Sint-Rembertlaan 21
8820 Torhout

Consultatie-uren Campus Rumbeke


08u30 - 10u 

13u15 - 18u 


8u15 - 11u30

Campus Torhout
13u15 - 18u


Bedankt voor uw interesse! We hebben uw bericht ontvangen en zullen u zo snel mogelijk trachten te helpen. 

Opgelet: een afspraak maken of annuleren kan enkel telefonisch via de telefoonnummers op de pagina 'contact'.

© De stemkliniek.

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